NUCS (Hive Nucleus) Information

education Environmental Protection hive checks hive management honey bees


For the last 5 years Bee Wise Farms has offered 5 frame nucs for sale produced from our overwintered colonies in Newberry, MI. In 2025, we had planned on offering nucs for sale on March 1 but have decided to delay nuc sales until we make splits in May and have a clear idea of how many excess colonies we have for the year after achieving our growth goals for the year. Our goal for the 2025 is to more than double the size of our current apiary which will allow us to build our business capacity to produce more honey and nucs for sale. We will post excess nucs for sale in mid-May for pick up in early June. 

Nuc Details

Bee Wise Farms offers a limited number of 5 frame medium nucs (we are offering nucs on medium frames only this year) produced from our overwintered colonies in Newberry, MI (our bees never leave the UP). You will receive your nucs in a Jester Bee EZ nuc box. Medium nucs are $220 (per nuc)

Queen information 

All nucs come with a marked New World Carniolan queen that has been selected for varroa sensitive hygienic traits, good overwintering and fast spring build up. Need queens for your splits? Click here

Pick Up Information

Pick up is tentatively scheduled for the week of June 3rd but note this is weather dependent and may change. Once we do splits in the spring, we will notify you of the final pick-up dates via email. Be sure to include an email address and phone number when ordering online.

Pick up location: 10192 State HWY M28, Newberry, MI.

Special Offer

With every nuc purchase you will receive a 50% off discount code for our online Beginning Beekeeper’s Course, Beekeeping Above the 45th Parallel. This code will come to you as part of our monthly email update beginning in February.

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